US Hegemony-Superiority

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 151
    US is making a dangerous move here with their Ukraine proxy war. How successful is it so far?
    Who are the top rising superpowers. Russia, EU, China is maybe not a complete list.

    Looks like Russia is about to get bigger and stronger. A lot of their defense heavy manufacturing are Soviet established heavy and technical industry are situated in the Ukraine lands, currently being fought over. Theft of Russian gold and USD assets went well, but did not in any way cripple Russia. Sanctions. Russia seems to have been prepared, but will no doubt experience some pain. For sure they will fight back. First move is holding back Ukraine and Russian grain. That has the potential to create catastrophic food shortages and price rises across the world. "So you try to kill the baker and now you want bread". To make it worse, Russia supplies 80% of fertilizer and if that is held back it could have drastic reductions in crop production around the world. Energy production. Oil gas and coal. Supplies already cut to some EU countries, but increased prices have created increased net profits. Russia has the gold assets to enable to back the Ruble with gold. Energy resource sales in Rubles have made the Ruble strong and challenged the USD petrodollar. I would give the US a fail overall so far, but not yet reached a final result.

    The EU
    That is much easier. With their cheap Russian energy being slowly closed off , German industry being damaged, crop production affected by cost of fertilizer and critical cash and weapons being donated to the doomed Ukraine defense, the weakening of the EU has been spectacularly successful. They have done it to themselves, with many of their leaders more concerned with Globalist ideology. Germany going back to coal power generation, One standout is Hungary, but there is not much hope for the EU. The EU had the potential to be a/the great superpower, with Germany now rearming, is now headed into recession by their own actions. Have to give US a big pass on that, while the US sits on their own massive oil and gas reserves and even gave themselves an exemption to import Russian fertilizer.

    How do you cut them down without going to war? They were recently doing air exercises with Russia near Japan air space while the quad were talking. They have been driven closer to Russia and have access to cheap energy and other resources from Russia. Early days, but so far I think it is a fail to weaken China significantly.

    All the above is IMO, but I think we will end up with at least 3 super powers, with the arms race full on, and all with the ability to completely destroy each other. Hopefully for me, Putin and the US are blowing apart the Globalist grab for power. The US is failing to reinforce US Hegemony IMO.

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