US Meddling in Ukraine (again!), page-186

  1. 276 Posts.
    Unbeliever do you really think that sending arms to the Ukraine is a wonderful idea. Let me put some other ideas in your head. A large proportion of the people in the disputed territory are ethnic Russians. They want to be part of Russia as the recent referendum demonstrated. Merkel and Allande are not modern day equivalents of Chamberlain. They are realists who have lived through world war two, who understand the Russian psyche and who know how easily another catastrophic world war could start. No one has ever accused Merkel of being soft hearted or naïve. She is the toughest realist on the world stage at the moment. It is the soft Yankees who are naïve.

    The real problem facing the world at the moment is world war three.
    All big countries need regular wars to maintain their internal stability.
    The last two wars the USA was involved in were Vietnam and Iraq.
    The next will obviously be with Russia.
    However, Russia will be a different kettle of fish to Vietnam and Iraq. First of all it is nuclear armed and has probably the most awesome and advanced delivery systems in the world (e.g. Inter Continental Missiles ).
    It also has a history of surprising and knocking out some bigger opponents as they don’t really care how many people die as long as they win – e.g. Napoleon and Hitler.
    The trigger point will be the arming of Ukraine. Then the western sanctions against Russia combined with the collapse of oil prices and possibly the world economy in general will be catastrophic on the Russian economy. Putin will be tossed out and a new psychopath like Stalin will take over.
    A new brutal Marshal Zhukov like the one who orchestrated the Russian counterattack in world war two will coordinate the assault on American interests.
    While world war two cost 100 million lives. World war three will cost a billion lives.
    Israel as the centre for United States electronic espionage on Russia will be the first to go - then with retaliation after retaliation literally all hell will break loose.
    The good news is that after such overwhelming carnage the world will enter a long period of relative peace.
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