US MidTerm Elections - Predictions.....

  1. 17,118 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 112
    I'll start - only 109 days to go

    House - GOP to pick up 50 for sure... possibly 60... and maybe 70 seats
    Senate - will take Georgia at least, maybe Arizona and with luck, Pennsylvania and gain a majority of 2-3

    Every day the numbers keep telling a terrible electoral story for the Dems - A RED WAVE is building and unless Biden pivots... ala Clinton...there is no way to prevent a rout

    Remember, the Dems must hold 90% of the Black vote or there is a rout
    They need about 70% of the Hispanic vote or there is a rout. In 2020 about 8-10% swung to DT.

    The Dems have this open border policy in the south thinking the Hispanic influx will resonate with the resident Hispanic citizens

    Except...those legal folks waited in line for years,... played the game by the rules...worked their asses off to gain jobs albeit at the lower end...and they now see TWO MILLION illegal criminlas pouring in just in the PAST YEAR under Biden and they're saying NO! They see the Admin STRAIGHT UP LYING TO THEM that the border is secure (he WILL be impeached come November)

    So today these numbers are catastrophic and from a recent Quinnipiac poll....which all agree typically leans a bit left.

    Biden’s Approval with Hispanics Falls to 18% After First Lady Jill Compared Hispanics to Tacos

    Last edited by hersuit: 22/07/22
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