aflatoon - you moved me to respond!Your post ranks right up...

  1. Yak
    13,672 Posts.
    aflatoon - you moved me to respond!

    Your post ranks right up there with the rest of those posts that seek to write your own version of history or events that bear absolutely NO relationship with reality or fact!

    Lets begin!

    "How to liberate the people. Bush/Blair way or Mahatma Gandhi way. Gandhi liberated India from British occupation without gun/bombs/tanks/fighter planes."

    Ghandi's efforts represented perhaps the ONLY example of civil disobedience and passive resistance that's EVER worked. And that was HOW many years ago?? In another era!

    "With weapons of mass destructions, it would appear US and Britain have succeeded liberating people of Iraq."

    You and fullguy can go revise all you want but the weapons used were NOT WMD. Were not!!! Not in the conventional sense and not in the vernacular sense!

    "US/Britain have not liberated Palestinians from Israeli occupation for fifty years."

    What a load of tripe. 1948 was the act of the UN - the very same UN that all you anti-warniks tout as being the Rightuous ROUTE to Vindication. You cant have it both ways.

    The "occupation" as you so pejoratively call it has only been an occupation since the 1967 which was at the end of the series of wars waged by Israel's enemies to try and destroy it

    Thats a fact.

    "But I am sure the day will come when Palestinians will be liberated with their policy of non-violance."

    Policy of NON-Violence??? What are you smoking? And given the juxtaposition of your comments, it seems you are somehow trying to draw a parrallel between the art of Ghandi with the techniques of the Palestinians??

    Give it an hour or so, the effects of the drugs you've taken WILL wear off!

    "Palestinians do not have weapons but they have a will to live."

    Aha aha!! So all the dead Israel's blown to bits by the suicide bombers were not killed with weapons!?!?!

    Of course, thats right!!! That's their version of Ghandiesque "non-violence"

    Must've missed that one!!!

    Oh the flatulence of aflatoon!!!!!

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