us secretly deploys b-1 strategic bombers..., page-56

  1. 11,173 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 51
    Thanks, you're right of course. Most people who don't study history wouldn't have a clue about the Dulles brothers and how they packed the OSS (now CIA) with Nazi war criminals. How it happened, briefly, is: The Nazi Germans had the best intelligence network in the Soviet Union, under General Reinhard Gehlen. Facing war crimes trials, he was able to negotiate with Dulles to bring his network into the OSS and work for the US if war crimes prosecution was waived. The Nazis went to the US (and others to South America, South Africa, Australia etc) via the Vatican ratlines, ably assisted by the many pro-Nazi cardinals in the Vatican.

    It was like a homecoming, in a sense. One of the tenets of Nazism, and Darwinism and Marxism, is eugenics. Depopulation was a major doctrine in the US throughout the 19th century. The Rockefellers & other elitists were rabid eugenicists. The billionaires of this world have a major worry: that they'll be overwhelmed by the hoi-polloi when the Depression deepens. Their solution, espoused today by vaious elitist luminaries, is depopulation through war, chemicals, disease, vaccines etc.

    These are mad, evil bastards.
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