us soldiers prevented from leaving service, page-64

  1. 6,721 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Diligent, funny you should mention the Taliban, and how evil they are.
    Guess who created them? CIA + Pakistans ISI. Point was to "give the Russians
    their own Vietnam" in the words of Zbinew Brzezinski. Ok, it was a case of blowback, fancy name for blunder, but the truth is that the CIA started supporting the Mujahadeen (which later morphed into the Taliban) for geopolitical reasons. The rule here is the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
    This was back when Osama was an American asset (some say he still is, but that is another story).

    Don't talk to me about the land of the free. This is the land that had instituted slavery,and only ended it incidentally (as Lincoln said, if he could have kept the Union at the cost of slavery he would)as a result of the Civil War, this is the country that tried to ban alcohol(just like the Taliban,haha!!!) and ended up with with with its very own mafia. Tried to ban drugs(another assault on freedom),and ended up with an even bigger mafia, this time spread to the entire world because of the anti-drug treaties the US was able to enforce on the rest of the world. Now we have a huge organised crime monster, created by guess who?
    This is the same country that stole gold from its own citizens with FDRs gold confiscation.
    This is the same so-called free country that killed 100000 Filipinos fighting for independence at the end of the Spanish -American War( they say that americans can't do irony, well there is the proof, just 120 years after thier own struggle for independence from Britain.)
    This is the same country that ignored its citizens wishes to stay out of European wars.
    This is the same freedom -loving country that ruled Central America on behalf of its business interests,killing people and deposing governments.

    When GWB announced after that sept 11 incident that he would bomb terrorist training camps I thought that the first cab off the rank might be
    Fort Benning in Georgia, home of the School of the Americas, trainer of
    Latin American death squads and paramilitaries, but no such luck. I probably
    missed the bit about bombing only other terrorists.

    This business about the US as the land of the free is only Hollywood style programming of the population, with not much basis in fact. All countries
    like to flatter themselves, but anyone can see that is just what it is, nothing more.If you can truly convince a people that they are free, then you can do anything to them (Slavery is Freedom from Orwells 1984)

    As to the claim that any poster less than totally enthused with everything American is a closet Talibanista is just plain wrong. People who can spot
    Americas inconsistancies are more likely idealists than wannabe terrorists.If you didn't care about the ideals, you wouldn't complain about their violation, would you?

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