You are witnessing the worst forms of censorship by a frightened...

  1. 831 Posts.
    You are witnessing the worst forms of censorship by a frightened and confused USA who once believed that their state of the art machinery, ships and planes could rule the world.

    A bunch of amatuers with box cutters changed their world from emerging liberal democratic state to that of a fascist state where the rights of anyone who questions the wisdom of the great All Omnipotent and infallible Leader George Bush will be sent to Guantanamo Bay or taken away without rights, access to a lawyer or to their freedom purely on the basis of suspicion.

    Saddam has won the game by reducing the USA to a despotic undemocratic state where groupies call you names if you point it out thinking they are doing the state a favour.

    The Asahi Shimun reported this incident last week that the 3 MiG 29's flying Combat Air Patrol (CAP) rammed the US Orion P3 aircraft spying on Korean installations just like the incident a year ago in China.

    The method used was similar to that usd by the Chinese against the US P3 Orion in the South China sea. North Korea is a client state of China.

    The Chinese are playing a strategically briliant game of cat and mouse with the USA. They won't veto the US resolution calling for war but will abstain. They are believed to have offered sanctuary to Bin Laden and his advisors in return for a non agression pact (unofficial) with the Taliban who had already established a foothold in the Urghur Urumqui autonomous area of China where 50 million Muslims have awakened under Ben Ladens influence.

    In order to Check the US and to stretch their capabilities they are believed to be behind Kim Ill Jung's recent boldness and provocative actions aimed against Japan and the USA.

    One must remember that South Korea is not US territory and nothing culturally, politically or geographically can be remotely linked to a right to the US to meddle in the area.

    Good try. But with a Nuke, I would not even try a massive pre emption. They are shreweder than we think they are. It is likely that the North Koreans will do another sept 11 type incident somewhere to rattle the west. They did it in Myanmar once wiping out most of that country's cabinet in the 1980's remember.

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