US steel import tariffs, page-22

  1. 25,636 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    Hi Ozzi

    Protectionism for some but opportunity for others.

    First --- look at our pathetic manufacturing sector --- look hard and you may see little bits here and there but nothing of consequence and what's more NO SUPPORT from any government department so who would tariffs be protecting ?

    Back in the day and Australian entrepreneur could look at a product being imported and do his/her sums and go to the government and say I can produce this at, as good, if not a better price and I will be employing X number of people .

    The government would then slap a tariff on the imported object to make the way clear for the budding Australian manufacturer, so a new industry would be borne.

    As things stand the only people who befit from the "no tariff" plan are large multi nationals who pay minimal tax and all the profits go overseas.

    I know that the Free Trade political correct people say we MUST have no tariff restrictions, but that means no jobs, no future, and no hope for Australia
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