"US To Slow In First-Half Of 2020..." says Global Broker USB..., page-6

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    The Zombification Of America - Over 40% Of Listed Companies Don't Make Money

    It's absolutely stunning how the Fed/ECB/BoJ injected upwards of $1.1 trillion into global markets in the last quarter and cut rates 80 times in the past 12 months, which allowed money-losing companies to survive another day.

    The leader of all this insanity is Telsa, the biggest money-losing company on Wall Street, has soared 120% since the Fed launched 'Not QE.'

    Tesla investors are convinced that fundamentals are driving the stock higher, but that might not be the case, as central bank liquidity has been pouring into anything with a CUSIP.

    The company has lost money over the last 12 months, and to be fair, Elon Musk reported one quarter that turned a profit, but overall – Tesla is a blackhole. Its market capitalization is larger than Ford and General Motors put together. When you listen to Tesla investors, near-term profitability isn't important because if it were, the stock would be much lower.

    The Wall Street Journal notes that in the past 12 months, 40% of all US-listed companies were losing money, the highest level since the late 1990s – or a period also referred to as the Dot Com bubble.

    Jay Ritter, a finance professor at the University of Florida, provided The Journal with a chart that shows the percentage of money-losing IPOs hit 81% in 2018, the same level that was also seen in 2000.


    making money is over-rated in Amurca
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