hi Towie, I cant deny that Saddam used gas on some of the Kurds....

  1. 29,310 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 80
    hi Towie,
    I cant deny that Saddam used gas on some of the Kurds.
    However, from what I have read, Kurds are being killed and persecuted in every country in which they exist, even Turkey.Maybe there is a reason that nobody likes them? Gas is just a weapon, like Napalm, which is widely used by the US.It was an internal revolt.
    So that makes Saddam a despot and murderer?

    Ok, during WW2, Australian fighter aircraft flew sorties for 2 days from the east coast of Australia, machinegunning Japanese sailors floating in the ocean in life rafts and jackets ( the survivors of 2 sunk battleships), coming back to refuel and rearm, and taking off again, till they killed the lot.There were an estimated 3,300 Japs killed in this manner.
    Now, the pilots who took part in this action reckoned themselves that if ever a war crime was committed, this was one.
    So that makes us just as bad as Saddam, Towie.
    You cant judge a person on one action or event.
    I respect what you are saying, but in fairness, there are always two sides to a story.

    BTW, that Australian action was publicly disclosed when Bob Hawke brought in the War crimes Act, and reported in the media at the time.

    And being Fri Night, its now off for a few beers and a nice hot Indian Curry.
    Have a good weekend all.

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