US, UK jets attack Iraq air defences, page-4

  1. 1,380 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 22
    couldnt really disagre with u there stocko. am getting very tired and worried about the clowns in the white house and at downing street. blair and bush are hopelessly inept leaders. australia has soiled its international reputation over kyoto and now this preemptive strike notion. we are being dragged along by our so called allies by a prime minister who is more concerned about appeasing washington than confronting his electorate. saw richard butler last nite on some CA show - very dangerous fellow,like a Rumsfeld, this guy resigned in outrage several years ago as a weapons inspector after discovering that the yanks were using the inspection teams as espionage tools. the US in the lst few months had used its 'might' in the UN to have the newly appointed chemical weapons inspection head honcho sacked after its was realised he was making good progress with the Iraqi's.seems washington is sowing the seeds and conveniently' creating the enviroment to justify its plans for war. this is an age old scenario of theirs, if the circumstances are not there or arent convincing enough then create them! its called US foreign policy and is the source of many of our current problems across the globe. the yanks and british have alot to answer for, seems australia is slowly become embroiled in their mess as avery naive allie'. how sad
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