ITE i.t.& e limited

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  1. 399 Posts.
    it&e (ITE).

    Nahhhh cloaka you certainly did not offend me; and the bar maid--Aunty Madge-- is hard to offend as well....

    Looking now like updates, reports etc....Tuesday of Wednesday from the vantage point of the Pub hammock....

    -Also remind subscribers..... to Pub News..... that Uncle Maxie's opinion: "One swallow; does not make a summer"- .....And consequent to that; that one newsday..... is not.... imo "End Game"....

    .....It (one soon to arrive newsday) only....instead..... jsut; simply one step .....only one (1) sequential incremental step-- on a value adding ladder....

    -.....And as for the Silly Worry Wart Wally's .....who are now dumping....--.....Good on ' all I can now say..... !!!!....

    -Final not fear about Gbst being the only Punter at the auction-- the stakes are too Big--....The Gun..... --.....not being the head...."--for Fitch (Algo) --and Sunguard and Reuters to lose this sort of Global Market Share-- and Global Blue Chip Finance & Bank house Client Base-- far, far too serious a consequence--- To allow the forfeiture of Large Global bank Customers-- to go on....for too long unrecognized and unchallenged.....

    ie:--...>>-- The Simple Compelling Laws of Big Numbers-- and the Laws of Competition, Supply and Demand, Opportunty Cost and Marginal Utility -will soon crystalize and force .... it&e's (ITE).... various other current global competitors hand....

    --And Basic economics dictactes that-- (ITE) will not be allowed ...and cannot be allowed to cause this this erosion of medium term to long term share of their previous and current profitable --...and expected to be....High expected global forward looking projected Growth in financial instrument Trading Environments.... of various financial products and the Market's this sector creates and therefore is ripe to be needed.... to serve....-- --- ...

    Stakes are basically to big... and now.....(the present Time Window)-- .... is.....imo.... all about Strategic this Marekt Space.....

    The simple Equation of Supply and Demand ---in respect to the (ITE) situation now is this-- :

    ....".....The longer (ITE) can hold out-- and resist .... any proposed or desired ....Takeover or Merger--whilst --AT THE SAME TIME-- Winning.....>>>> --... further North American and Asian and Euro Bank Related Medium term Software Contracts-- the higher & higher the Takeover Premium becomes...."...

    -So gbst in this context-- equation--becomes ultimately-- simply a bargaining a linear process...

    The rivers and sources of future excellent growing globally derived safe defensive cash Flows... & Cash Streams.... to be had from the places where (IT) operates and derives its --ONGOING-- Revenue Base from-- is Huge and truly Massive guys...never forget that.

    ie:-- So for this reason-- large Global alternative and now threatened other major Market Player's Hand..(read Sungard, Algo, Reuters etc)-- this respect. ...wil not.... be able ....or desire.... to simply just sit back .....and watch this market share-- simply ..... disappear.

    Kindest Regards,

    robbo .

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