vacancy rates fall again, page-12

  1. 474 Posts.

    "did you realise that there are real estate markets in countries other than the us---something which the cheap sheets conveniently forget----did you use the link and look at graph 5 and 6?"

    you started this thread stating vacancy rates are falling so its all hunky dory, to which I replied, vacancy rate has in fact risen on a YOY basis. I also gave an example that tight rental market is not any kind of guarantee for bullish outcome.
    I than provided link to a research data from US reserve bank which stated that even in US vacancy rate has been less than 1.5% before crash and is under 3% even after a huge crash,
    which you referred as cheap sheet of data and provided me with feel good report from our central bank,

    May I ask you why do you think Australian central bank research is gospel truth and US central bank is cheap sheet?

    Now you are pointing me to some price to income graph, which shows that there are other countries which have a bigger bubble.

    Can you remain on the topic of vacancy rates which you started and not change the goal post every post.

    I am open for a logical discussion and not interested in cheap shots.
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