Vaccination of 5-11 yo children just a matter of time, page-60

  1. 1,727 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 6
    Yeah, it's a great website. Bookmarked for me. Anyone that idolises Trotsky and Lenin is OK in my books....NOT!

    "The World Socialist Web Site is published by the International Committee of the Fourth International, the World Party of Socialist Revolution founded by Leon Trotsky."

    Agree with the withdrawing of numbers. Not good. Can you find the numbers of vaxed vs non-vaxed in hospitals or icu anymore? It would be nice to know, one would think. Considering they are shoving the jabs down everyone's throat, this data would surely help with the coercion. I can't seem to find it for the last month. Weird!

    Anyway, on a more pleasant note. I am in the gippy hills myself. God's country, for sure. Planting corn seedlings tomorrow, but still a bit nervous about the tomatoes. Global cooling. See how everything they preach is upside down. Same with covid.
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