Vaccinations do not work, page-111

  1. 4 Posts.
    It seems to be very difficult to have a debate on this virus and the vaccine as it is captured by emotion. The political class, police and medical establishment have done a stellar job of pitting two factions in society against each other with massive overloads of fear. The hate for anyone with an opposing view is amazing and saddening for this country as it will not end well. There is a huge amount of information out there from some very credible knowledgable resources that should drive a serious debate about how this is handled and why and when people get what is definitely without question an experimental vaccine. For the record I have been coerced in to having it and did it not happily but for very personal reasons. It is still coercion regardless. The Government and medical profession are not informing you and that is a fact. Nowhere does it say on the literature or in your 5 minute information session before being jabbed with the vaccine that it is approved for emergency use and all politicians developers and manufacturers are free from any repercussions or fall out if it fails and you have adverse reactions. Apart from the virus the massive transfer of wealth from this virus is mind boggling and the loss of rights and freedoms will never be returned. That is something to ponder for us all and what we have allowed to be actioned on our future generations.
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