Vaccine dangers censored

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    Scientists in Canada Being Censored from Covering Dangers of Aluminum in Vaccines

    May 13, 2015

    It is very obvious to anyone paying attention these days that news regarding vaccine safety is routinely censored in the mainstream media. We know that the U.S. Government puts pressure on the U.S. media to not publish anything negative regarding vaccine safety, as Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services under President Obama, openly admitted this in an interview with Reader’s Digest:
    RD:What can be done about public mistrust of vaccines?
    KS:There are groups out there that insist that vaccines are responsible for a variety of problems despite all scientific evidence to the contrary. We have reached out to media outlets to try to get them to not give the views of these people equal weight in their reporting to what science has shown and continues to show about the safety of vaccines. (Source.)
    The U.S. Government has a serious conflict of interest when it comes to discussing vaccine safety, as they are the largest purchaser of vaccines in the U.S. The CDC alone purchases over $4 billion in vaccines every year.

    Outside the U.S. the largest purchaser of vaccines is the United Nations, primarily through UNICEF, and the World Health Organization (WHO), funded primarily by pharmaceutical companies, is the Government body approving the vaccines to be purchased and distributed. Negative news regarding vaccine safety is, therefore, vigorously opposed.

    Christina England writes about vaccine censorship in Canada and the involvement of the World Health Organization. This is an especially crucial topic, as recent studies show just how toxic and dangerous aluminum adjuvants in vaccines are, and the public has a right to have access to this information from scientists in Canada...


    I have outlined enough evidence in this article to indicate that the WHO has been aware for many years that aluminum can cause neurological, behavioural and developmental disorders in humans. It is highly suspicious that the Globe and Mail should criticize anyone daring to expose the truth, at a time when the WHO is under immense scrutiny for having been exposed using experimental vaccines, on vulnerable men, women and children in the developing world. (See Developing World – The WHO’s Private Vaccine Laboratory.)

    It is about time the people of the world woke up to the fact that the World Health Organization is an organization that can no longer be trusted when it comes to vaccination.

    We need to ask ourselves exactly why they are covering up the truth and what their agenda really is.

    Read the complete report here;
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