Vaccine passport being mooted, page-46

  1. 7,097 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    "NYP says: Fans with AstraZeneca vaccine won’t get into ‘Springsteen on Broadway’"

    Considering it's a propaganda Murdoch publication it's just more misleading nonsense Mogga, can't you figure it out?
    Does this mean a dopey anti vaxer like you would get the Pfyzer jab to see the boss?

    The FDA hasn't approved the AZ jab, and why would they? Why would they actively promote another countries vaccine when their own are available in greater numbers ? They haven't approved the Sputnik or Sinovac either?
    Besides how many concert goers would this impact? Someone who was vaccinated elsewhere and returned to the states? Buggar all?
    You need to get that grey matter working better and stop believing what you read in dodgy publications, you're very impressionable it would seem.
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