It''s all about Politics and public servant careers...not truth...

  1. 10,423 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    It''s all about Politics and public servant careers...not truth and facts as far as I can see.

    These fools have backed them selves in to a corner and can't see a way out. If one of these goons making these stupid calls and decisions...such as Andrews...were to suddenly change their mind the Political fall out would be massive for all the "decision" makers.

    I wonder though, Berejyklian was going against all the flawed logic being used by Labor Premiers to keep their State populations under control, by setting a course to open the State regardless of infection numbers. Before her new rules were activated she unexpectedly resigns?
    Will the incoming Premier who ever it turns out to be follow the same course or change it back to the flawed shut down actions?

    Palaschuk backed herself in to a corner with the football. She couldn't all of a sudden shut the State after bringing the whole lot of NRL players, wives, familes and hanger onners to Qld,
    The after telling the media the game had nothing to do with her "decision" to not lock down with 18 odd cases where she had locked down previously over just 2. There was no way she could lock everybody down a day later without that proving without doubt her totally hypocritical and Political stance on all things covid.

    It;s Politics...and we the taxpayer are paying the price for having these substandard second rate Politicians running our lives. It is total BS that these clowns can tell us what we can and cannot do...we pay our way in to this world, and we pay our way out of this world.

    On the subject of vaccinations, who cares what Joe Blow down the road thinks or does. Though there does have to be some sense of Community spirit and responsibility taken. If the "Health" advice is that a person working with older vulnerable folk should be vaccinated to assist, then so they should. Just as they often have to vaccinated against common Flu when working with these people.

    If you think you are above that, and really couldn't care less that you infect someone when you could have taken some precautions, then you need to take a long look in the mirror and justify why you see yourself as being above other's needs.

    I have friends where the bloke in his late 60's has some respiratory issues due to previous health problems. His partner some t0 years younger has a job where she travels and mixes with any number of strangers day to day. She won't get vaccinated for what ever reason....she's not an "anti vaxxer" she says....just wants to "wait". Wait for what i ask?
    To me that is irresponsible as she puts her partner at higher risk than necessary.
    Sure the vaccinations won't prevent any person from getting the bug, but it just might slow the infection and might even in some cases prevent infection and transfer...shouldn't you do all you can to look after a loved one...regardless?

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