^^^ vatican assassins ^^^ , page-14

  1. 5,784 Posts.
    we wouldn't want any rednecks missin' out on the translation either...

    "C'mon Pansy12 i knows i may soun' ali'l crazy but th' truth is much peekoolyarr than fickshun an' even though yer brain finds it impostible t'comprehend th' truth o' find it i does unnerstan' on account o' of all th' lies yer mind an' billions of others is fed daily fum all media an' misinfomashun sources submitted today t'dumb down th' masses. Oh thar is a few out thar fightin' by th' grit of their nails t'git it out but they will be done wif soon, as enny fool kin plainly see. Eff'n i c'd move th' earth Pansy12 i'd but eff'n i did this hyar t'other day this hyar li'l baby c'd've slammed into us so fo'tunately i'm happy t'have lef' it whar it is. Open & scroll down http://www.earthchangestv.com/ Ewwwww scary But no need t'be on account o' i'm mo'e corncerned as t'whut's gwine on in th' Artic regions an' haf been gwine on thar fo'e some time... http://www.whutdoesitmean, as enny fool kin plainly see.com/ hey Pansy 12 eff'n yo' reckon i'm mad as a weasel in a blender sure mebbe i is but unfo'tunately mah friends is way way way madder. Mebbe yo' sh'd blast them on account o' they is th' ones thet info'med me. http://www.sherryshriner.com/ Problem is she is mo'e closer t'th' truth than whut most will knows all th' proof is thar so disclaim it Mah favourite is http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/ pow'ful pisses of th' "Shadow Gov" Am i crazy absolutely on account o' so is th' TRUTH...."
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