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    Pope Francis: Misogyny, homophobia, bigotry

    March 14, 2013
    By: Michael Stone

    Pope Francis
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    Pope Francis says women are unfit for political office, that gay adoption is child abuse and that same sex-marriage seriously damages the family. In short, the new pope is just another religious bigot, with a record of misogyny and homophobia.

    In a public flurry of pomp and ostentatious display, the former Archbishop of Buenos Aires and Primate of Argentina, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, was named Pope Francis on Wednesday, March 13.

    However, Pope Francis comes with some heavy and disturbing baggage. Francis is on record stating that women are nothing more than the helpers of men, and are themselves unfit for political office. In a speech against Argentina presidential candidate Cristina Kirchner given in 2007, during the electoral campaign, then Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio said:

    Women are naturally unfit for political office. Both the natural order and facts show us that the political being par excellence is male; the Scripture shows us that woman has always been the helper of man who thinks and does, but nothing more.

    In addition to the blatant misogyny, Francis is also on record speaking out forcefully against laws granting marriage and adoption rights for gay men and lesbians. In a 2010 letter published in L’Osservatore Romano, he asserted that gay adoption is a form of discrimination against children, and claimed same sex marriage would “seriously damage the family.”

    Francis even went so far as to suggest that the struggle for marriage equality is not simply a political struggle, but it is an attempt to "destroy God’s plan, a ‘move’ of the father of lies who seeks to confuse and deceive the children of God.”

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