vermont gets a gigabit network. and it only co, page-6

  1. 8,917 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    Skymesh - $29.95
    15GB per month
    5GB peak (7am to 12am)
    10GB off-peak (12am to 7am)
    Cost of 1MB of data within Australia (included in plan): $0.002

    15gb a month does not go very far especially with streaming video. Frankly anyone using only 15gb a month, and of that only 1/3rd in peak hours probably does not need the NBN. Standard ADSL would be more than enough for these folks - what waste of taxpayer $.

    Has the NBN announced when it will make 1GB available to re-sellers? The core fiber can carry this, but something is in the way, either router technology being installed or customer cost. If the routers, then why would you use yesterdays technology to have to replace / reconfigure each one in a few years time?

    Maybe we have some technical folks who can explain this conundrum?

    If the pricing of the above is anything to go by, one would have to be very careful if a 1GB link was available as the 15gb would be used in a flash.

    As for your comments about all the 'experts' well they would wouldn't they? Many have their fingers in the pie one way or another. Look at the bionic eye project - $45m, so a few university dudes could get published, and what did the tax payer get for their money?? The stupid thing was there is a company in L.A. called Second Sight that was well down the road and in the last 4 years has obtained regulatory clearance to sell their bionic eye in the US and Europe. At the time the 'experts' were calling this Aussie project a world first etc etc. I believe the Aussie project is yet to make an serious attempt at a clinical trail. Duh.

    Thanks for your concern about my living abode - very comfortable with high speed pigeons to carry correspondence.
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