AGO 0.00% 4.5¢ atlas iron limited

Very impressed, page-124

  1. 2,104 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 184
    Hey Pidge, a 1.2 buy order?

    Remember I mentioned a tweezer bottom at that price (at the start of this thread a week ago - Post #:24621675)? That was the TA sign that the low was in at 0.012 and now with IO on the resurge, I think your chances are zilch!

    An average of 2.9! No wurries mate I'm sitting on an average of 3.7! But not worried. While I'm a TA trader, I never get into a stock without checking out the fundamentals first, and IMHO AGO stacks up well (as I'm sure you now know). The fundamentals never changed over the last three months of drop in SP (actually, they improved with addition of JV with PLS opening up lithium play), and so if SP dropped purely because IO dropped (which it did), it will go up just as sweetly when IO rises (as I'm sure it will with all this talk of China's new OneBelt program and the season low looking like it's over).

    Cheers, GW

    P.S. to all - DYOR (fundamental and technical) if you are thinking of getting in.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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