Very sad military deaths, page-30

  1. 7,788 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 163
    Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons in the 90s, giving them to Russia, under the agreement that Ukraine's territorial integrety would be maintained as they were at that time, agreed to by Russia and signed onto by the YS and the UK.
    Russia broke this agreement in 2014, as they repeat their pattern of invasion used in Georgia.
    Ukraine has been denied NATO membership due to their issues with corruption and being involved in a conflict with Russia that started in 2014. Just because a country isn't a member of NATO are they not worthy of support?
    Putin if left unchecked will not stop at Ukraine.
    You throw around Nazis without understanding the complex history of Ukraine, as being the middle ground between Germany and Russia.
    When you say Nazi, are you suggesting that Ukrainians are engaged in a quest to dominate Europe and ethnic cleansing, or simply to kill Russian invaders.

    Do you have any comprehension of what Russians did to Ukrainians in Soviet times? Do you ever stop to think why Ukrainians might support an ideology that aligns with simply killing Russians?.

    it is soooooo easy for you to simply say Ukrainians are Nazis, because history. But you never define what that means and what makes it true.

    You're just a parrot, repeating a lie because you lack the mental ability for critical thinking.

    Stop using labels and define things as they are.
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