VGW, page-292

  1. 168 Posts.
    ,,,In line with your assessment, ,,,,however,,,,,,,,,on PM?,,,,,maybe not.

    Looking at the stall in sales and volumes recently (despite excellent results of late), is telling.

    Whilst I do admire the (real) progress of VGW ( e.g. wonderful dividends and revenue generation),
    I feel that shareholders have been denied the REAL Capital value of these shares.

    The words constantly used about listing "when the time is right and for the right reasons", makes we wonder whether that time will ever arrive (if not now)

    Joined to LE, at the hip,,,,I guess.

    Selling now (if you can get a buyer!), would be selling short (of the true value I mean).

    This leaves you open to waiting (1yr, maybe 2 years more), and everything that can go wrong in between

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