Vic govt in expenses scandal crisis, page-7

  1. 14,681 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 60
    At least this is one side of politics all voters agree on.No matter what side the B/S rorting continues.
    Both say they have done nothing wrong,tec probably yes --both both lives miles away from the electorate they represent. They say they have resign?? RESIGN FROM THAT POSITION ---NOT THEIR POSITION AT THE TROUGH!! They will slither back for a little while and like SLIPPERY SAM(Federally) and others will slither back to a better position to continue what they do best--all sides screwing the taxpayers. They all say it within the rules--the rules they set up, they all never be allowed in a firm they would run--someone taking money from them.
    Bottom -line it will never stop--whether it dogs getting taken for a ride or the taxpayers--who they appear to think are just dog popping to be abused at every opportunity.Andrew`s this time is in charge--he will look into it--??
    Nothing to see--as only tec --it will not pass the pub test--now sky-rail in certain suburbs that might effect their election chances pulled,those that cannot be changed will get the sky-rail(these are the dog poopings).

    These politicain`s do what they do best--they either screw clients or screw the taxpayers--it`s inbred in them all
    and part of their INTEGRITY PORTFOLIO when they apply -along with no ethics,morals,hide like a Rhino.and most importantly--never hit your own pocket. They will tell us all life is a battle tighten your belts while most will live on 4-5/6. what many people survive on. And nothing will change unless the voters change. Unfortunately for the ALP they are UNION controlled.Blind Freddie can see they handed -Dan,Danny,Daniel the election--as so far all have received increased wages for their efforts. Andy will tell us that the Govt is fighting hard to work with in the budget--yet every single UNION has received their pay-rises along with increased perks. It`s a good job if your in a UNION--if not and one works in private industry your taxes will pay all these costs--with many times being on less money and perks. Now Electricity Bill started the penalty rate debate and the inquiry,just like the cleaners and lower paid hospital staff=--he is not on your side--he will take the union donations--yet even Bill know the big money is in dealing with the business that employ people. Bill dines with the Rich --and will slaughter the poor for his own benefits--one can already see he has form,and we all know he is unfaithful except to do what ever he can to get his paws on the cookie jar!! Australia cannot afford an ALP,LNP,Greens Govt--they will all plunder us to untold debt.We may not all agree with One Nations policies--at least they will keep the bastards honest,
    even if Pauline only started by selling fish and chips!! It`s appalling that starting one`s own business and taking risks paying tax,that helps run Govt`s is considered a dirty word. Anyway Pauline wants to keep the Govt accountable the same way very other business that employs people have to do--at least she is looking after all our money. Along with looking after our own citizens that have worked all their lives paid taxes are considered a burden(Solent Green). Start looking after our own before others--believe me they do not give a F### ABOUT US.
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