Kincella - On an Established House at lets say $300k, the Vic...

  1. 3,918 Posts.
    Kincella - On an Established House at lets say $300k, the Vic Gov chips in $3k on a total bill costing approx $13k for their ridiculous Stamp Duty- Big Bloody Deal!!! In NSW, QLD or WA there would be NO STAMP duty whatsoever in this case and infact the $14k Grant from the Fed Gov would be a massive help for First Home Buyers to get into the market. Not in our case though here in Vic, how lucky we are! Instead, Rudd hands over $14k to try and help us and Brumby pockets All or most of it in Stamp Duty - It is just totally WRONG and it will bring down his Gov at the next Election in 13 months time, watch and see. Brumby is the most ARROGANT Leader we have had in Decades, probably even worse than Kennett and that is a massive call but he is done and dusted for sure, everyone has had enough from what I can see!

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