well- your post is an insult to all Aussie voters - because you...

  1. 1,673 Posts.
    well- your post is an insult to all Aussie voters - because you are saying, then, that over the course of 11 years and four elections, they are all bleeding stupid!!

    I give my fellow citizens a bit more credit for judgement and common sense.

    Most Aussies know quality when they see it - Howard is not just some wound up talking head mouthing endless slogans - he has the courage of his convictions.

    for instance, he put the "smuggling human cargo in leaking boats for big money" crooks in Indonesia completely out of business. These leeches didn't care whether or not people drowned in the attempt - as long as they got their money ahead.

    These traders in human flesh have not got a boatload of paying passengers, (yes, I'm not talking refugees) , through since 2001. And many of them were not refugees at all - and had paid their way through three or four countries to get to Australia deliberately via Idonesia.

    We are not racists! But we cannot afford to repeat the mistakes of the UK and Europe - where the local natural birthrate is now in severe decline, and the local, mainly Christian, populations are now being overtaken by virtue of the huge birth rate amongst foreign nationals importing themselves in ( mostly illegally) from other countries.

    These people make no effort to integrate, are intolerant of any other religion, cause no end of trouble as most are not in work, put enormous strains on the social security systems, and are the cause of huge social problems and resentment. They choose to isolate themselves in their own unhappy, troubled ghettoes, living exactly the same closeted life they seemed so keen to leave behind.

    They are certainly adding nothing to the local benefit. Just perpetuating increasingly bitter hatred and discontent, and having a complete disinterest in joining in and contributing to their new society.

    It is not racist - and heartless - to want to protect our country from such serious social problems.

    Howard takes the tough decisioins - and gets maligned for it. He's invariably damned if he does - and damned if he doesn't, by his detractors.

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