Victoria....R.I.P., page-229

  1. 1,836 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9
    "You can blame Morrison all you like but if responsibility is delegated or taken on it can't be shirked. If they want seperate quarantine then build them, or convert buildings. The states weren't complaining about taking it on in the early days, they just keep trying to pass the buck when it is apparent some have failed. It seems to me they wanted to be the saviour of the nation and then wanted to move it on when they became the villains. Morrison is definitely not the saviour of the nation, but lets not try to attribute blame when others accepted responsibility."

    Morrison put the states in an untenable position. The states all did the best they could after Morrison basically booby trapped the quantine process by forcing them use hotels. Morrison failed to have proper fit for purpose quarantine facilities built when there was plenty of time, time Morrison squandered, as we've seen over and over again, the man is a liability. Morrisons M.O. has always been the same and we simply can't afford to have such a man as P.M. So it all sticks while he's P.M. because he should never have been P.M. in the first place and it showed the incredible lack of judgement in the Federal Liberal Party that it saw him as their best candidate. Alas he'll have to be defeated in his own seat before we can finally be rid of him because I doubt he will step down no matter how much of a mess he makes, the man is utterly shameless.

    Make of my post what you will, but it has to be said Morrison is and has been totally unfit to be P.M. and lets hope the damage he's done can be undone over time by our next Federal Government and we can put this ghastly episode of his Prime Ministership behind us.

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