63 Posts.
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Originally posted by cyprus:
Looks to be a big opportunity for BIN to get a foothold in Melbourne in the recycling space taking over SKM ops with contributions from Govt to set up a conforming operation. This is a hard business to break into but no doubt equally hard to make money and conform with all environmental factors. Think this shows how much the operators really could hold Councils to ransom to make it pay. It is unacceptable for recycling to go to landfill. Govt in all forms has no option other than to step up with the batten being passed all the way to Federal Govt to force all hands. Given other countries are sending Australia's rubbish and recycling back to Australia's shores there is little option than subsidies to ensure this is done properly. Perhaps this will only happen if there is a Royal Commission in this area. Heaven forbid. But BIN must be a party in the box seat to make this work somehow and make it work profitably - if BIN can't nobody can and must mean a Govt-sponsored shake up of the whole industry plus sponsorships/subsidies.
Seems like Bin would be taking on a bit of a mess if it bought SKM straight up but there might be opportunities to buy parts of the business or its assets if it goes into liquidation.