not sure why everyone is so focussed on Liberal vs Labor with...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 109
    not sure why everyone is so focussed on Liberal vs Labor with the Vic situation - Both parties have done great jobs in other states.

    This comes down to "wait and see" Andrews, his ministers and his guidance. He is not suited to be a premier or leader of anything at all. Im not even sure why the hell there is an inquiry going about who was at fault. Andrews is at fault. He should have been the one to make the decision. He should have been the one following it up and he should have been the one making sure it was running ok.

    I get the thought process around using private security initially, keep some jobs in the state keep some people employed, makes sense and other states did it well. I would also assume that as trained security guards they should be more than competent enough not to sleep with quarantined people in a freaking pandemic and show up to work. Can anyone imagine getting away with that from their boss. What I highly criticise is why the hell wasn't a trusted and proven security company used? Why the hell wasnt there some sort of police/health board/ some other oversight to make sure the guards were doing the right thing? Why wasnt Andrews getting daily updates about issues/updates - or at least CC'd in the emails. Who the hell was accountable? Even this inquiry seems confused about that question.

    Then after all this crap went down why not own up to your mistakes and accept help when it was offered? why wasnt a delegation of people sent to NSW to learn about the contact tracing earlier? This is the part that really

    Has anyone in government actually worked at a large private business? None of that would fly at all.

    And now everyone involved in the hotel quarantine saga has suddenly forgotten what has happened - are you F***ing kidding me? this would have been discussed with all involved behind closed doors and they all would have been on the same page about what to say. Andrews forgetting that ADF was offered by the Prime Minister of the country is laughable.

    Calling for jail time over the initial bungle is a bit ridiculous, people make mistakes. However calling for some form of punishment over the lies and incompetence would be justified. If it was private business you would immediately get the sack and forfeit any LTI payments (i.e. government pension). Whole cabinet should go.

    Also does anyone else wonder what Jenny Mikakos does all day? her job title is "Minister for Health and the Coordination of Health and Human Services"

    These were some comments in the ABC by her today:

    "She said she was not even aware of the use of private security guards until May, when an outbreak at the Rydges on Swanston hotel emerged"
    "She said, with the benefit of hindsight, it would have been "desirable" if she had been consulted on lines of accountability" - lol
    "She also said she would have "expected" to have been briefed by DHHS (Department of Health and Human Services) on "significant issues" within the hotel quarantine program" - isnt this literally in her job title HAHAHA?
    Last edited by Van88: 24/09/20
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