The END of the SHOW is approaching ... TIMING is...

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    The END of the SHOW is approaching ... TIMING is EVERYTHING 

    POTUS Donald J Trump, a strategic genius, now holds all the cards. But as Rex explains, he is also the master of timing. Trump knows that the wise General does not join battle with the enemy, until he knows the war is already won.

    Sun, December 9, 2018

    It is normal to be anxious about President Trump’s decision to hold back the evidence revealing Obama & Clinton’s illegal attempt, to steal the 2016 Presidential election.

    It is, after all, the greatest scandal and crime in American history.

    In fact, it’s more fundamental than that. What happened in 2015/16 (and then after President Trump’s inauguration) is such a disgraceful assault on the US Constitution, Republic and citizenry, that a failure to reveal the truth, expose the criminals involved and then punish them, risks the crime being repeated.

    Many of us have known the details for some time and want justice. We also know that if the crime is repeated, it’s unlikely America can continue as a functioning Constitutional Republic.

    President Donald J Trump knows this, as well. But what else does he know?

    That the enemies of the Republic, while weak, still have a say.

    Which is why he is waiting. And why you don’t need to worry.

    Please read on, to find out the reasons.

    Trump & Sun Tzu - The Art of War

    Trump’s strategic mindset is most influenced by Sun Tzu, the ancient Chinese master of strategy, who wrote one of Trump’s favorite books, The Art of War.

    One of Tzu’s key rules is that wise Generals do not engage the enemy in battle, until they know that they have won the war.

    Remember, Trump knows everything and can prove it. This includes SpyGate, ObamaGate, The Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, Benghazi, Iran Deal. EVERYTHING.

    He has all the evidence to nail Obama, Clinton and their cronies to the wall and has armed his cannons for firing, when the timing is right.

    BUT he isn’t ready to fire, just yet.

    Trump has had to prepare the terrain first.

    Remember, since his inauguration, Trump has appointed loyalists to the key agencies that protect the Republic. The DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, SCOTUS, Senate (judiciary appointments) and other agencies are all led by Trump appointees.

    The military establishment is also 100% behind Trump.

    Trump knows that he is close to victory, but has not yet won the war. Why?

    Robert Mueller’s SC and FakeNews, the last serious enemy holdouts, have yet to be defeated.

    Trump’s Assault on The Republic’s Enemies

    Have no fear. The enemies are reeling. Since November 8, 2016 their mission has always been simple - to protect the Clintons, Obama and all their cronies. They have been subjected to withering fire for two years, sustaining massive damage. Consider what we know:

    • Comey’s entire FBI team has been wiped out. Ditto, Lynch’s DOJ rats.
    • Obama’s natsec crew (Brennan, Clapper, Comey etc) has been stripped of security clearances and know they are legally exposed.
    • The Clintons have been under intense DOJ/OIG investigation (Clinton Foundation, Uranium One).
    • Obama has been under intense DOJ/OIG investigation (SpyGate - the election crime, ObamaGate (spying)).
    • The leak network of FakeNews reporters, working with Obama & Clinton, has likely been uncovered.
    • The UK & Australian governments are muzzled.
    • Democrats in Congress. Yes, they have won the House. But once the role of so many of their most powerful members is revealed, it’s likely that their victory will be a pyrrhic one.

    And more. You get the picture. They may whine on twitter and play games, but Trump has most of the Republic's enemies muzzled, or defeated.

    However, Mueller and FakeNews remain. They are very weak now, but have one last weapon left.

    Defeating Mueller & FakeNews: Trump’s Strategy

    Obama & Clinton destroyed modern journalism, by weaponizing it.

    During the 2016 election, 65 ‘journalists’ were exposed as covert Clinton partisans, working with her campaign as a de facto Department of Propaganda.

    The OIG report released in 2018 indicated that reporters were working with corrupt FBI agents, to do the same thing.

    It has been strongly suggested that there is a cadre of propagandists masquerading as reporters, who have been secretly paid to do Obama & Clinton’s dirty work.

    FakeNews’ weapon has always been to use classified information and leaks, to damage the opponents of Obama & Clinton. Their ability to influence millions of brainwashed citizens, while reducing 24/7, is a potent weapon.

    Trump has known this for a long time. That’s why he has hammered FakeNews, 24/7, since 2015. It’s also why since early 2017, Trump and his master spooks have confused and distracted the FakeNews enemies with real leaks of fake news, while also sealing off any leaks, from the most important investigations into Obama & Clinton, that have been running in secret.

    This has had a devastating impact, but Mueller & FakeNews still have the ability to create and shape narratives, working together.

    For example, right now Mueller is trying to frame the four individuals who will be revealed as targets of illegal FISAs - Manafort, Flynn, Papadopoulos and Page - as suspicious liars. This is for FakeNews to activate later.

    Mueller is also (desperately) trying to create a false narrative that the Russians hacked the DNC and then leaked it to WikiLeaks, then waited for the green light by the Trump campaign to release them. FakeNews is pushing this lie, 24/7.

    Trump knows exactly what Mueller & FakeNews are doing. What else does he know?

    They need fresh meat, in the form of information, to keep up their assault on Trump.

    In order to create narratives, Mueller needs access to fresh intelligence. For FakeNews to do the same, they need fresh leaks.

    Trump isn’t going to give them either.

    Can you see why he is holding back? Let’s say that Trump releases everything, unredacted, today. FakeNews would misreport it and twist it, in a way that their zombie-like fans would believe.

    And Mueller would be able to come up with new ‘investigations’ and narratives, to keep his witch-hunt alive until 2020.

    The solution ? Release NOTHING, until Mueller is gone. Without Mueller, FakeNews are deprived of their one last Obama/Clinton holdout.

    Pressure Mueller to close his investigation. Then release EVERYTHING.

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