Watso says "grahammac is going to the country side."I already...

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    Watso says "grahammac is going to the country side."

    I already live in the Bush Capital where trees abide.
    We live in a big house on a 1150 square metre site
    with trees, garden, ducks, chooks and 30,000 litres
    in our five rain-water tanks (after recent rain) and
    we've exterminated power bills by putting three
    solar hot-water panels and 30 electric panels
    on our roof. And we host five overseas uni
    students under our roof too. So our roof
    is very hard-working and so is my wife.

    What has that got to do with Vietnamese refugees?

    To ease our work load, we have a part-time
    Vietnamese refugee gardener and a part-time
    Cambodian refugee to clean our large home.
    My first job as a Boat Person from the staid
    Eastern States was lumping bags of frozen
    fish-heads in a Perth cold-storage works
    and (like our home workers) I was glad to
    have the job as money was short.

    When we built the Student Extension to our
    home, the builder was Vietnamese and all
    the building workers (except one) were
    Italian, Aboriginal, Portugese, Croatian
    plus other migrants and refugees. The
    only Dinkum Aussie was the roof tilers
    labourer who needed several stubbies
    to get going and left the empties for
    me to clean up when he left the site.
    I have worked as a Builders Labourer
    in Melbourne where beer was usual.

    What "Stop The Boats" people like Abbott fail to
    grasp is migrants and refugees have changed
    Australia from a monocultural British ghetto
    into a vibrant and multicultural land forever.
    Abbott belongs in the National Museum.
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