views of common americans in united states

  1. 160 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    More than $120 of our federal taxes go to Israel each year, then $40 come right back to the Jewish lobby in Washington to promote lies about U.S.--Israel friendship and to buy votes. We pay another $600 each year for our presence in the Gulf to keep Israel safe. Jews are a less than 3% minority and had 11% representation in U.S. Senate, 7% in U.S. Congress and almost all the key administrative positions. Supported by media run by Jews and our money coming back from Israel, Jews have taken control of our government. They take our votes and then cast theirs in the interests of Israel, not in the interests of the United States. We must enact laws against such monopoly by any one ethnic group - we have laws against it in commerce, and must prevent it in government.
    We call attacks on our troops and embassies abroad terrorism while we back Israel's terrorism on Palestinians on Palestinian land. When all nations vote for, and U.S. and Israel against global issues one after another, is the rest of the world wrong or are we co-conspiring in terrorism? If we want to secure the future of our children we must stop making enemies. Let's get those who use the Holocaust to play us for $ucker$ out of our government and vote for loyal citizens who will put American interest first.
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