VIL 0.00% 1.6¢ verus investments limited

vilo options, page-52

  1. 10,115 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 664
    VIL = 15c
    VILO = 5c.

    VIL = Times your money by 3
    VILO = Times your money by 10

    Also, VILO would not be 5c, they would be more like 7c (2c time premium).

    Don't think of it as buying 100,000 VIL vs 100,000 VILO, think of it as buying 100,000 VIL ($5K) or buying 1,000,000 VILO (Still $5K).

    The downside is that VIL is not 10c and VILO is worthless.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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