Yes yes yes. But it is not just the petroleum and diesel that...

  1. 230 Posts.
    Yes yes yes. But it is not just the petroleum and diesel that comes out of oil. It is also the plastics, the chemicals, the rubber alternatives and the bitumen for our roads that ethenol cannot produce or replicate.

    There is a mytrh that getting rid of oil (from the gorund) demand will cure all evils like green house gas emissions etc. That too is a myth. The numbe of cows in places like India and the rest of us who escuse me far...t also send up into the atmosphere a green house gas.

    Uranium enrichment is also a means by which we could produce cleaner energy. The oil companies do support that. But there is a reality as far as re tooling industry and the cost to literally re tooling all of modern industrialised societies which would give a head start to the others who have not even caught up with the oil age like India and China who want to first milk it for all its worth and I for one do not want them to have a steal on our thunder.

    We need to re think this situation carefully and without emotion. I believe the Greens are as fraudelent as the non greenies.

    Environmentalism is as much of an industry as its opposite number. What we really need is a common sense approach to the problem of greenhouse gas. We ned to tell our firends (stick in one hand carrot in the other) like India and China, that we do not want to buy goods if it pollutes theenvironment like we do with refusing goods without a green stamp or produced by children in sweat shop conditions.

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