some guy from the cdc has said that the virus has brought...

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    some guy from the cdc has said that the virus has brought america down to its knees

    The coronavirus outbreak has brought America “to its knees” a top US official has said.
    Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said the country could spend $7 trillion fighting the virus during a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing

    planet america made some interesting comments..

    the increased number of cases has nothing to do with more testing - as the amount of testing has been fairly consistent.

    in one state (forget which one)... 23% of people tested had the virus.. 2 or 3 other states had infection rates above 10%.

    the average age of people being infected is 35 years - which explains why there is a declining death rate.. ie younger people are more healthy .

    infection/deaths in europe are now way down - but america is going gang busters (that would please trump - because america has to be the best at everything) ..

    also from planet america - but both dems and republicans are beholden to the MIC .

    mmmm 2 trillion spent on the war machine.. but at the same time going to the supreme court to strip away health care protections for 20 million americans ..

    america is a scum country
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