agree with the vast bulk of that -- but, it's not what I would...

  1. 87,032 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    agree with the vast bulk of that -- but, it's not what I would call vision -----------that lot is more like - predictable happenings

    to me -------------- vision (and/or foresight - probably interchangeable term) ---

    is what to do about it

    how to prepare your nation for the changes that are so obviously coming

    we, as far as I can see - with Aussie governments --particularly Liberal Party governments --

    don't actually do anything for preparation - they just let it happen and see what happens

    which - to me - was never really a good plan or idea --------- but, even though a bad plan back a couple of hundred years -------- is now, beyond a bad plan - it's a clearly disastrous plan

    going into the future that's so easily predictable above ------------ it's so obvious that a nation would need to be prepared ------------- DECADES earlier.

    A nation needs educated thinkers --------- people who can nut things out - people who have experience in classical education - where philosophical questions and ideas have been done to death - those same things come back to mankind era after era ---

    but, we haven't got that kind of educated populace - we have people who pull teeth - or measure mining concentrate - or do slippery jobs as lawyers --

    we don't actually have highly educated people - in classics, in high tech industries, in ultrahigh tech industries

    we operate on the 'oh, we'll buy em if we need em' basis ------------------ well - sorry ------- that's a really really crap idea - it hasn't worked, it doesn't work and it will never work.

    Look at China and it's investment in AI ------------- scale+++ beyond massive -

    Look at Australia and it's investment in AI ----------- almost no existent - microscopic

    yet - we'll bitch when China takes over the world, takes over our businesses, takes over our investments

    what have we done???????

    sold off our resource companies, sold off our businesses, sold off our real estate

    what have we invested??????????????

    4/5ths of bugger all ---------- our Liberal Governments are actually CUTTING education - they cut the guts out of the CSIRO ---------------------????????? work that one out going into a high technology era??

    meanwhile --------- things like WA are working out how to have electric bikes and cars go places?????????????????

    ffs -- Europe has bikepaths everywhere - and, has done for ages. European nations have nation wide charging stations going in - already designed - already being rolled out

    In Oz - as far as I can see ------------ there's actually no such thing as vision -- almost literally zip

    what Oz has is 'oh crap' moments - then a frantic cobbling together of poorly engineered band aid solutions - which are always very very very second rate

    don't ask me for an answer now ----------------- we needed answers ? probably 30 years ago
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