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VMS share price looks like it is being controlled (not going up...

  1. 2,427 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 453
    VMS share price looks like it is being controlled (not going up nor going down) and it could be the 15 trading day rule for a Capital Raise.

    And before everyone jumps out of their seat and shouts F*** ShareBeers has sold all his VMS and downramping now.

    The answer is NO and I hold between 1.5M to 3M VMS shares.

    Obviously, VMS does not need funds for Riley Iron Ore nor exploration etc as VMS has $11M as of 31 March 2021 and we simply do not need a Capital Raise.

    I’m more looking at exploration results from GGN from the follow up drilling and looking at the time-line.

    Obviously a capital raise from a major discovery is a massive positive re-rate.

    Please note this is not investment advice, not financial advice and nor any advice at all. I’m just looking at the SP for the last 10 days; it could be nothing so I guess play-on.

    Remember a capital raise is bad if you need the funds to survive or for an upcoming project but a major discovery is a different story.

    I’ll make it clear that I have no inside knowledge or any basis for this post but only with the share price being controlled for the last week or so so don’t buy or sell based on this post. DYOR.
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