It's not clear at all Scott. The only thing that sort of...

  1. 2,394 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 330
    It's not clear at all Scott. The only thing that sort of rhetoric allows you to do is to just point the finger at the other side and say "it's all their fault" and holding yourselves blameless.

    The reason this lost - and I mean it got smashed - is because the Yes vote tried to steamroll the electorate with 'The Vibe", and with lies. If the Yes's don't learn their lesson from this, it will keep happening.

    It would have been close, but I'm not even convinced it would have reached double majority had Peter Dutton supported it. The fact that (as you say) his numbers haven't budged throughout the whole process despite a 60% approval rating for the position he took should speak volumes to the Yes camp if they have any brains. And again, if you don't believe me, and you don't think it's the yes's fault, then what do you think Peter Dutton said that made ME vote no? If you can't pinpoint it, then I clearly didn't listen to him, did I?
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