Vote NO to SSM if you love your family and children, page-996

  1. 1,770 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 6
    "And the last time I checked there is a very large number of heterosexual marriages that are childless, by choice."

    Ok, could you at least tell me when was the last time you checked? I can find plenty of information about childless couples. But frankly, I couldn't give a rats toss. The debate is about marriage, and I am generally interested where you found that information. "A large number" is very ambiguous, and I think you have raised an important point that needs clarification.

    Can you just tell me where you found it so I can have a look myself? Was it on a website, in a book, on The Panel, under your bed.....

    Maybe you are confusing couples with married people. Sure there are some marriages that are childless, but "large number" and "very common" needs to be explored.

    As I said, I have looked for the information and not found any. You, on the other hand, claim to have looked, and that the last time you looked you found that a very large number of heterosexual marriages are childless. I am simply asking you to share that source.

    There is no point confusing childless marriages and childless couples, like the article I will post below. I'm sure you would agree, the issue is about marriage.

    5 strange statistics about marriage you won’t want to believe

    The above article is misleading because its content is primarily about couples in general, not married couples (paired-up friends, you and your partner, other couples). This is what I am suggesting your claim is also referring to. But, happy to be proven wrong.
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