vote of no confidence against gillard "labor", page-5

  1. 46,437 Posts.
    Woudnt they vote to debate it before the actual vote.

    That means they could discuss all labor failures before the "acyual " vote of no confidence.

    These failures would all be recorded on hansard.


    10:39am: The landscape of Parliament is about to change.
    Hansard reporters have been on the floor of both parliamentary chambers since 1901 charged with the mission of providing accurate, unbiased and generally verbatim accounts of parliamentary debate to members and senators.
    But after this sitting fortnight they may be removed from the chambers and forced to do their reporting from television screens elsewhere inside Parliament House.
    When Parliament sits for the final sitting fortnight (the week beginning May 27) a trial will be run during which time there will be no Hansard reporters in either chamber (with the exception of a limited presence during Question Time) and Hansard equipment will be removed from the Senate although not the House of Representatives.
    Hansard staff have been given mixed messages about why this trial is taking place. One is the inevitable cost cutting but the other more intriguing suggestion is that a senator complained that Hansard equipment was obstructing his/her view.
    So if someone did complain who was it? And why? All suggestions gratefully accepted.

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