ETM 3.23% 6.4¢ energy transition minerals ltd

vote on mining, page-91

  1. 2,070 Posts.
    Good post milesg, if someone practically accuses me of insider trading I wouldnt bother posting a reply either, even if he is a mod.

    Disrespectful & distasteful, perhaps Rod is giving as good as he's getting?

    Anyway, nuff said, Im in it for the coin and 24% is not a bad day...evenin' all

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Mkt cap ! $98.95M
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6.5¢ 6.6¢ 6.3¢ $98.78K 1.537M

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2 232499 6.4¢

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Price($) Vol. No.
6.6¢ 57377 1
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Last trade - 16.10pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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