“Staff are calling me daily crying and are stressed they are...

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    “Staff are calling me daily crying and are stressed they are being threatened if they speak to anyone about NAAJA they will be sacked,” Ms Atkins wrote in the email. “The CFO is monitoring their computers and work phones. They are now leaving the office and calling on their mobile phones.”

    Ms Atkins alleged the NAAJA board intentionally hired their family members and friends, and refuse to publicly advertise positions or allow managers to fill roles.

    “Staff have been advised that all recruitment and interviews will be conducted by the NAAJA Board,” her email reads, adding that she had reported the matter to the NT ICAC, NT Attorney-General’s office, federal Attorney-General’s office, ASIC and NIAA.

    “I am appalled that the NAAJA Board and CFO are treating taxpayers’ money like it is their own and to date they are getting away with it. The public would be disgusted that an Aboriginal organisation is being run by an Aboriginal board who are corrupt.”


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