W.A. to trial 1 mtr. cyclist o/t rule.

  1. 22,540 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 84
    W.A. set to trial 1 metre gap when overtaking a cyclist.

    Not a prob. so long a s cyclists keep to the left where possible.

    If it is a 'marked cycle way', do we now need to add a metre to that as well?

    If I'm driving along the road, and less than 1.5 metres from the kerb,

    will I still have cyclists overtaking me on the left?

    What if there are two cars stopped at the lights, less than 2.5 metres apart,

    will cyclists still ride in between them?

    Nah, they'll just whip up on the footpath, ride through 'don't walk' signs,

    and continue on their merry way.

    Definitely time for all motorists to arm themselves with "dash cams",

    just as cyclists do. Can see motorists getting annoyed if a cyclist overtakes them,

    and doesn't leave a metre clearance.

    It's going to be interesting, we can't overtake a cyclist, without a metre clearance,

    but I doubt whether they will do like wise.
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