w/e 18-3 post mortem, page-13

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 33
    What a week! Best forgotten except for the lesson one may have learned. I have always insisted that to prove yourself as a trader you have got to be able to make hay while the sun shines as well as the rainy days. I do have some soulsearching to do.

    After a sizeable loss in the previous week I started the week with fear and trepidations. Monday came along and proved that I was correct to be worried. A couple of nice little scalps from KSO were outweighted by a loss taken after holding CSE for too long.

    Tuesday proved to be no better . A loss was taken on one of my dividend stocks (GPM) as I no longer liked the way it looked even though a major shareholding had dumped its shareholding the sp moved further down. The loss was larger than the dividend earned but bearable. However my portfolio grew lead boots. This was mainly due to my holding in AJMOA.

    On Wednesday I tried to scalp on CSS but sold at a pip loss when I got concerned that it may tank. I instead tried to scalp AJM - again it proved unsuccessful after holding overnight; however I was relieved to only get one pipped again the following day.

    Thursday my thinking was that a mule would make a better trader than me. I was really looking for a little success. Luckily it came by way of PDN (3.18 to 3.34); it gave me the first green on my whiteboard for a week and a half. To add to my dividend portfolio I purchased IDO @ 89c. It went ex div today for 4c 75% franked. I like the company and it has a share buy back scheme. Also took a little gamble with SGXR after it had its big run up - paid .5 c. Lucdkily I managed to get out of them for .4c rather than having to exercise and tie up 6.5 k for a week or so by exercising them. Also a little foray into RCUR cost me brokerage and again I saved spending money on exercise.

    Today I sold my long held SEHOCs for brokerage and put up most of my KIKs at 4.4. Unfortunately I forgot they were on offer and while reading their announcement my shares were sold only for them to rise to 4.8. However I put the proceeds into KIKOs and expect to hold them overnight. I do not regret selling shares only to see them rise afterwards; however seeing I knew there was an announcement I feel silly not to have been more watchful in this case. My Friday ended without bloodshed but considering the market was positive I was not proud of my performance. This was now my second down week but I look forward to receiving KIKs and KIKOs early next week from my rights issue.

    I will use the weekend to examine my pitiful performance this week but I am somewhat convinced that I will make trading a success.

    I hope everyone performed better than myself and wish you all a wonderful weekend and my thoughts are still with those poor people in Japan.

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