Thanks chook. Tax is a very interesting and complicated issue....

  1. 1,048 Posts.
    Thanks chook.

    Tax is a very interesting and complicated issue. Im going to talk to my accountant to get some more clarification.

    The beauty of gambling in casinos, sports bettin , horses etc is that it's all pre taxed.

    It would be great if the government implemented a flat 20% pre tax when you sell shares or something. It would make life a lot easier.

    I have friends that don't even pay the tax when they make profit from

    Quick question regarding CGT. let's say I buy PRR on the 1st July 2010 for 10 cents. Say I sold it today for 40cent for a 50k profit. If I then, closer to the end of fin year (say June 23rd) used all my 50k profit and bought into another share and held it past June 30 , would that mean I don't have to pay CGT on that 50 k as it's gone back into another stock??

    Now back to my beloved AYNieeeee, I think I'm in love!

    I am no longer gonna have money on the side to play with other stocks. I'm devoted to her 100%. No cheating for me, even though AYNieee does have a lot of partners! Love is blind they say! So AYNieee you can have as many partners you want!

    It's like Deja Vu. Last week SYS I didn't sell on open and lost profit.

    Friday I didn't sell KIK on open and lost profit.

    For some reason shares never seem to continue their run the next day if I'm on them.

    Hahah. Anyways like I said im 100% AYNieee

    I love the DT thread but I'm going to try to distance myself from it as it just gives you so many ideas(buy this , sell that) if The stock ur on isn't moving, your like hmmm. Maybe I should sell my stock and jump on.

    9 times out of 10 I end up worse off, I'm happy with AYNieeee, like the wedding vows say....from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part.

    Speaking of number plates, I'm gonna check if AYN-13E is taken. Hahahah. I think i found my new addiction. It's AYNieeeeee

    Gotta love Saturday's. Soccer is on again which means 90 mins of not one thought about stocks. Hoping for another win and maybe even scoring another goal.

    Hope you are all having a great weekend ! Bring on Monday!
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