WA: Baby rapist pleads guilty to car crime, page-26

  1. 1,877 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    I love that line "money shouldn't come into it" can you please tell me why not, and where do you draw the line in the sand, enough BS is enough, like so many others this thing is not human and should not be treated like one, bring back the death penalty or put them on an isolated island with no guards, food or medicine just water and seeds and let them decide amongst themselves what sort of society they want because they gave up the right to live in the same one as my kids.
    Just think of it three strikes/covictions for serious crime and you are on dropped on the island by chopper, no ifs or buts and you never come off alive, no individual need take resposibility for the longterm jailing, hanging or electrocuting a criminal ever again, think of the savings/benefits, we would need less dogooders, jails, police, judges, hospital beds and god knows what else, bring it on.
    Where I come from the voters would go for it big time there is a certain minority element making good peoples lives a misery on a daily basis, beside the fact that it is costing billions they are gut sick of seeing the same crap fronting court one day and committing another serious crime the next with absolutely no regard for the law, property or society.
    One day something like it will come, its inevitable there is no other permenant viable solution.
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