wa voters what were you thinking?

  1. 8,527 Posts.

    A very black day for Australia. SOme hopeon the horizon just demolished. Thanks to WA voters,

    Sad, when he with the fattest bank account wins the most votes - now, Clive Palmer will have four Senators, to block, change, and allegedly, "destroy". HAving to do what he says - when he commands.

    After years of Australia (allegedly) being held to political ideology ransoms by the likes of Tony Windsor, Rob Oakeshott, Craig Thomson (and his one vote) and Peter Slipper (and his one vote - whatever happened to those issues btw -!) - why is it the general public are so taken in by these flashes of wealth - and half baked, meaningless cliches and slogans - constantly spouted by Clive Palmer.

    Many allege - Palmer bought himself votes. WA must be gullible!

    Who, in my humble opinion, would be better occupied spedning his spare time trotting along to see "Ms. Jenny Craig" and negotiating a few issues with HER! (A shot at living a longer, healthier life would be one of the issues, I contend). Just my personal opinion. Gaping shirts not a good look. For the man who'll now (really) run Australia.

    Neil Mitchell, I heard, in passing, at around 8.45am today, 3AW, discussing Mr. Palmer, called him a "political buffoon." No great fan of Mitchell, but I agree with him here.

    Reminding all of us who voted Mr. Abbott's Government in last September, via a crushing mandate, yes voted for change, for them to get on bring in a new broom - and instigate urgently required moves which may help advance (not stall) Australia's best interests - that now, again, in lieu - via Clive Palmer's huge war chest of monies - we are yet again put in the position of political hostages!
    PAlmer now head rooster in the chook pen! BAck to the dark ages of Labor's total ineptitude. Windsor and Oakeshott's smug smirks. Pretending (allegedly) to be REAL Independents.

    Mr. Abbott, with four Palmer Senators, yet again stymied - despite OUR overwhelming vote voices! Having to negotiate with these minor party DILLS - whose only intent is to block, stop, divide, stall, and demean and defame the existing status quo. JUst because their leader is so filthy rich - he thinks e can do - say - block - whatever he likes.

    What, out of personal spite - personal political hatreds? Old scores to settle?

    And many of you, over "there" in the West - voted this bloke IN?

    Gee, thanks. For nothing.

    This takes us six years back. More Windsor and Oakeshott type ambushes and manoueverings. Carbon Tax will stay. Mining tax will stay.

    we even have some bloke who represents nothing much in particular into the Senate - except those who like what, hotted up cars?

    Labor squashed flat. Over there. But you vote this (alleged) political cartoon character in - give him, now, more free rein - on another (alleged) slash and burn, spiteful Senate agenda? How can we be properly governed - when he is the one really calling the shots!

    As they say of the Senate, a retirement village for old politicians. What, OUR vote of last September means nothing? Abbott now has to kow-tow to him - and his minor, inexperienced motley party members. WHat are their qualifications for this high office? None? Been in politics five minutes? Some, allegedly, talentless, with NIL political experience. Except Clive Palmer's alleged spiteful axes to grind. Seems that he;s got lots, in his kit-bag. Is he never NOT scowling at something. ( And what, does he recruit on the basis - do what you're told, or you're out?)

    It was NOT either major party's FAULT that you all had to turn and out and re-vote, again! And so you vote for the bloke with the noisiest big drum - the extravagant advertising - the richest bloke wins. But who IS he?

    What does he represent?

    I allege he only cares about Clive Palmer. Not about us!
    Not one jot. Some agenda of personal paybacks, from him, I allege - is this what we need -to "Advance Australia Fair".

    The Power of One. NO.

    It's the Power of Money.

    But then, as I hear, money is absolute KING - in WA. Worshipped, as nothing else is.

    SO thanks - for nothing, WA.

    No wonder Australia battles along - but never really gets anywhere fast. Taken in by drums and cymbals - any old circus passing through. Spur of the moment gullible. And the rest of us suffer.

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