Waleed Aly asked about homosexuality

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    You have to laugh having this clown speak to Margaret Court on The Project about her point of view on Qantas and same sex marriage.

    Read it and weep now lefties:

    "Appearing on Q & A with Christopher Hitchens in 2009, free speech champion Waleed Aly was asked a simple question:
    TONY JONES: Is homosexuality a sin in Islam? WALEED ALY: I'll get to that. The thing I want to say – no, no. But there's an important distinction here and I get often frustrated with this discourse of lumping the Islamic tradition in with the Christian tradition, particularly the Catholic tradition, because they're structurally so fundamentally different. The Catholic tradition has a church which has a kind of divine imprimatur and authority. The Islamic tradition is a far more anarchic tradition in a sense. There is no centralised authority, especially in the Sunni tradition. So to say the Islamic teaching on anything is X is a position that immediately becomes contestable. You can try to verify it statistically or otherwise but the point is that, at the very least in theory, if not in practice, any position that you take is a position that you take that may or may not - that may be fallible and is open to being contested by other Islamic theologians or other Muslims and so on. So on any question, whether it be homosexuality or it be anything, you will find a position that the majority take. And on the question of homosexuality, undoubtedly, if you took a poll in the Muslim world, you would find that most people would consider it sinful behaviour. But if you took ... CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS: Dodging it. It's not what Muslims think, it's what Islam teaches we asked you about. WALEED ALY: Yeah, but – okay. But my question is – my question is, what exactly ... CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS: Dodging it.
    Aly then continued for another 200 words without ever answering the question. So far as I’m aware, he still hasn’t answered it seven years later."

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