Waleed Aly slams Port Arthur massacre film maker, page-544

  1. 24,732 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    Seriously, apart from tinfoil hat theories, what of any substance do you have that exonerates Bryant?

    Where did the story of this mystical mortuary truck that could carry 22 bodies come from, (note others clam it was only capable of holding 16 bodies).

    So are you saying someone who looked like Martin Bryant, interacted with numerous people, and the Martin Bryant look alike had the same car with surf board as Bryant.

    And when the real Bryant was putting his kidnapped victim in the boot of the BMW, the look alike Martin Bryant was murdering the other occupants of the BMW.

    And was it just coincidence that when this elaborate international and Federal government plan to murder innocent people was instigated, that it coincided with the real Martin Bryant's sudden desire to kidnap the BMW driver and put him in the boot.

    Your overwhelming desire to believe in conspiracy theories has caused you to leave the road of rational and logical thought.



    "......The prisoner has shown no remorse for his actions. Though he has ultimately pleaded guilty, it has clearly been done in recognition of the undoubted strength of the evidence against him and amounts to little more than a case of bowing to the inevitable. That his change of plea has saved considerable distress, inconvenience and cost to those who would have had to be called as witnesses and to the victims and community at large by the prolongation of the proceedings is a factor which should be considered in his favour when weighing all the relevant considerations, but in the overall scheme of things, it is, in my view, overwhelmingly outweighed by the factors militating against him....."
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